May Nakatsuka
Lecturer: tokyo-based universities
I am usually assigned a textbook by course coordinators, and I constantly supplement the activities with my own materials. But, being a SMART Designer, I was able to help design a textbook I actually wanted to use. I enjoyed giving weekly textbook feedback. It forced me to reflect and think about how to tailor activities that didn’t work as well as I hoped. If you enjoy materials development, you’ll enjoy being a SMART Designer.

Arthur FORD
Lecturer: Hosei University
It was great being appreciated as part of a team working on such a positive project. I particularly enjoyed applying my experience to making improvements to the textbooks. As I focused on improving the SMART Communication textbook’s rubrics, I began applying the same rigour to all the textbooks I was using.

Stephen Harris
Lecturer: Hosei University
Time is tight, and I was a bit apprehensive about spending more time on materials analysis. However, being connected to a community definitely improved my craft. I developed a sharper eye not just with this textbook but in all the materials I adapt or supplement. It’s nice to be acknowledged for my contributions.

Ferghal Mctaggart
Lecturer: Tokyo-Based Universities
Initially, I thought being a SMART Designer would add too much to my workload. But, it has been great so far. Since joining the SMART Designer Community I began scrutinizing textbooks in a way I had never done before. I genuinely felt that my thoughts on the material meant something. I would definitely recommend it to people who are interested in materials development.

Robert Stroud
professor: Hosei University
Being a SMART Designer was good for my career aspirations. It added to my skill set and allowed me to rub shoulders with a community of like-minded professionals. It was also nice being recognized as a contributor to a successful textbook series. I particularly enjoyed working with a community of professional teachers who are pursuing excellence in their field.

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